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Seniors and Social Issues

Seniors and Social Issues Explained

Seniors and Social Issues Explained

As an individual ages, he/she not only suffers from the deterioration of his/her mental and physical health, but he/she is often at the center of numerous social issues that surround the elderly. In many cases, elderly individuals lose the majority of their privileges and are stripped of their independence. This often has serious implications for an individual’s psychological health, as it limits his/her ability to take part in the activities that he/he once enjoyed.

A common misconception regarding the elderly is that they maintain a very minimal social existence. Human beings are social creatures, regardless of their age, and therefore, it is important that they maintain the ability to socialize with other people.

However, as an individual’s health continues to deteriorate, he/she may slowly lose the ability to socialize and may be confined to his/her home. Often, elders who are enduring the aging process suffer from depression, coupled with the inhibition to ask for assistance completing important tasks. In some instances, medical conditions will cause an elder to suffer from severe pain and discomfort.

Extensive debate has arisen regarding the best way to address these social issues.In a world that full of prejudice and discrimination, it is difficult for any individual to admit that he/she is gay. This is true regardless of his/her race, ethnicity, or age. However, gay seniors often experience problems and complications that the younger generation does not have to address. In general, the younger generations are more accepting and open-minded than their elders.

Elderly individuals grew up being taught that homosexuality is unacceptable and immoral. In many cases, they have been conditioned to perceive this practice to be abominable.Therefore, it is often difficult for gay seniors to confide in their friends and family about their sexuality. They often face more severe and frequent discrimination than younger individuals, because their peers are generally less accepting of homosexuality. One of the primary concerns faced by gay seniors is the lack of legal and financial protection that they are offered in comparison with heterosexual couples.

What Are The Concerns With Elders’ Driving Rights

What Are The Concerns With Elders' Driving Rights

One of the most common concerns at the
center of elder rights debates is senior driver rights. Compared to other
crucial issues, the importance of senior driver rights may seem insignificant.
However, restricting an elderly individual’s right to operate a motor vehicle
may have substantial implications for his/her daily routine, as well as his/her
emotional well-being.

As an individual begins to age, he/she gradually begins
losing his/her ability to partake in activities that he/she once enjoyed. An
elder will often be required to depend upon other people for physical,
emotional, and financial support. Elderly individuals often experience a sense
of confinement and isolation, and they feel as if they are losing their
freedom. Individuals often find it difficult to cope with aging and to accept
the restrictions that accompany this process. The loss of certain rights and
privileges often leads to low self-esteem and depression. 

The same is true when a senior driver
loses his/her driving privileges. Driving is often associated with freedom.
When an individual is able to drive and has access to a motor vehicle to
operate, he/she can go wherever he/she wishes, whenever he/she chooses. When
elderly individuals face the possibility of having their license revoked, they
are being stripped of this freedom.

The emotional effects of this loss are
significant, however, the practical, everyday significance that this loss will
have on an individual’s life may also be substantial. When senior drivers
relinquish their driver’s license, they are required to depend on other people
for transportation. This means that elders must plan their life around another
individual’s schedule. This is not only inconvenient and potentially irritating
to the elder, but may also cause complications if he/she needs to unexpectedly
get somewhere. 

The above are undoubtedly legitimate
concerns. Nevertheless, it is important to analyze the information and
statistics related to senior drivers before criticizing the restrictions that
some states have placed on elders. Statistics indicate that senior drivers are
more likely to suffer from fatal injuries if they are involved in car accidents
than other individuals are. Elderly individuals tend to have slower reaction
times, making a senior driver less likely to effectively act in unexpected
situations. Research suggests that senior drivers are more likely to become
confused while driving, which results in erratic and often dangerous driving.
They may drift or swerve in between lanes without warning.

This is not to say that
all elderly individuals are incapable of properly operating a motor vehicle or
that all senior drivers are dangerous. However, based upon statistics, some
states have established legislation aimed at ensuring the capability of senior
drivers. Laws regarding driving rights of elderly individuals vary a great deal
from one state to another.

Although elders are able to voluntarily relinquish
their license, no state legislation allows authorities to strip an individual
of their driving privileges without just cause. Some states require a senior
driver to receive eye examinations every two years, as opposed to every four

California law requires elders to undergo a driving test if they have
been involved in at least two accidents within the same year. In the state of
Pennsylvania, doctors are required to inform authorities if they have reason to
suspect that an elderly patient is impaired or should not be operating a motor
vehicle. Some states have found it difficult to establish elderly driving laws
because many people argue that this is a blatant form of age
, the safety of both the elder driver and
other drivers is also a concern.

Understanding Prescription Drug Abuse Misuse

Understanding Prescription Drug Abuse Misuse

Most people are aware that illicit drug
experimentation and prescription drug misuse is a common practice within the
young adult population. Data suggests that at least half of the teenage
population will experiment with illegal drugs before they graduate from high
school. Despite this accepted realization, most individuals fail to recognize
the harmful issue of elderly drug misuse. Statistics indicate that prescription
drug abuse is a widespread problem within the elderly population. Whether done
intentionally or through accidental misuse, a large portion of the elder
population has partaken in prescription drug abuse or drug misuse.

improper uses of drugs can have extremely damaging effects on an individual’s
mental and physical health. Despite the severe consequences associated with
substance abuse, many medical professionals fail to confront elders about their
behavior. Some elderly individuals will employ extraordinary techniques in
order to ensure that they are able to obtain desired prescriptions and continue
their drug misuse. If this habit is not addressed, it may result in serious
medical complications and possibly death.

In many cases, elders are partaking in drug misuse without the conscious
knowledge that they are doing so. Elderly individuals are often left to their
own devices when it comes to regularly taking their prescription medications,
and what’s more, it is common for elders to loathe the thought of asking for
help. In most cases, they have already been stripped of a substantial portion
of their rights and privileges. Maintaining control of their day-to-day
activities is one way in which elders preserve a small portion of their
independence and control.

However, the reticence to ask for help may be
detrimental to an individual’s well-being, especially when it comes to
ingesting prescription drugs. One common complication that often results in
elder drug misuse is the failure to follow the specified instructions. Whether
an individual has purposely disregarded the instructions or has misread them,
this mistake may be fatal. For example, if an elder overdoses on medication
used to treat high blood pressure, his/her heart may slow and may eventually
stop beating, and he/she may stop breathing.

Overdosing on this and similar
medication can cause an individual to go into shock. Mixing various forms of
medications may also result in adverse medical consequences for the user. It is
essential for an individual to consult his/her physician before mixing any
types of medication. Likewise, if an individual is unsure about specified
instructions, he/she should ask for assistance.

Though accidental drug misuse is a widespread problem within the elder
population, prescription drug abuse is also a common and extremely dangerous
practice that is plaguing elders. The reasons that elders choose to engage in prescription
drug abuse vary a great deal depending on an individual’s specific

Regardless of the factors that lead to this dangerous behavior,
prescription drug abusers will often undertake extreme measures to generate the
means necessary to continue this practice. An individual may visit numerous
doctor’s offices in order to obtain multiple prescriptions to fuel his/her prescription
drug abuse problem. In many cases, physicians may expect an elder is abusing
drugs and fail to address the situation.

Often, physicians feel uncomfortable
confronting elderly patients about drug abuse and they often maintain the
mentality that elders should be permitted to do what brings them joy or
comfort, regardless of the harm they may cause. However, allowing this behavior
to continue may result in more severe medical complications, extensive medical debts
, and premature

Quick Overview to Volunteering Employment

Quick Overview to Volunteering EmploymentAs individuals age, they
continue to require financial support in order to attain necessities and pay
their debts. Many individuals spend their entire lives saving for retirement,
and these individuals generally maintain the ability to retire comfortably and
securely. Employees are often provided with a pension plan
retire prematurelyage